Let’s start with the author. Jim Ballingall came to Christ as an adult pursuing a PhD in applied physics at Cornell University. He was invited to attend a church, but was quite skeptical, under the impression that the Bible was fairy tales, myths and legends. Nonetheless, he attended and began to read the Bible and ask questions. He was surprised that the Bible and people of faith had reasonable answers, more than that, in fact, compelling answers. He decided to follow Jesus. He finished his PhD, got married to an amazing woman (the person who had invited him to church in the first place) and they raised a family of 3 sons, who are now all adults.
Jim began this blog to share facts, many emerging from new research about Christ. The 2019 Easter blog recounts some of the original motivation – conversations with people who contended that Jesus of Nazareth never existed.
May I switch to first person here? My concern is that this blog is too clinical, too focused on facts and theory, as opposed to the power of God in people’s lives – which I am fortunate to often witness. Christ came to rescue us from death and the oppression of sin and its consequences in our lives – which are uncountable. Do you have a faith to get you through your day, to get you through your pain – a God who actually suffered and so knows your suffering, and knows you?
My joy has been to see people released from the lies of self-worship, people worship, planet worship, etc., and turn to the living God. My joy has been to share the love of God with people who suffer through cancer, depression, divorce, death – and witness them get through the darkness in peace and joy and courage – because He is with them. Christianity is not theoretical. Christ is alive and active! This is a God worthy of our trust. This is a God worthy of our worship!